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مركز زين هير أفضل المراكز في تركيا لزراعة الشعر

مدة القراءة: دقيقة واحدة

? FUE scar: How long it takes to recover

Image title
hair transplant in turkey - olcay saygin


Introduce -

-With the old hair transplant technique (FUT), surgeons were leave a visible scar after wound stitching

-Long time ago, this visible scar was a serious problem for any bald man dreams to have a hair transplant surgery

-The only reason is not for its pain or long hours stay lying on your back, but because it can make a big scar in the donor zone won't disappear by time

-But in these days and after the scientists developed a new technique allow them to extract the hair follicles one by one using a special machine called (micro motor) no more scars can be formed. This treatment method called (FUE)

-When micro motor removes hair follicles from the donor zone, the machine can leave some red tiny holes behind it. And by time these holes can be recovered with no visible scar on the back

The popularity of this treatment method has increased and more people now asking to get a hair transplant surgery

But how much time exactly the donor zone needs to heal

In regards to typical recovery, patients will vary in terms of how long it takes them to recover from their hair transplant procedures. Usually patients take off anywhere from a couple of days to a week after their FUE procedure. After that, they may get on with their lives and resume their typical daily activities

-Recovery is fast, but most patients are worried about their haircut as the hair needs to be shaved down to the skin in the donor area

-But we can see that each patient heals differently.  It also depends on the number of FUE grafts you are planning

-For the savety of the donor zone after hair transplant process we have to keep it clean and dry to heal more fast

It won’t be covered until day 12th after procedure to give it time to heal itself and also we can use anti-inflammatory ointments to get a quick recovery

What are the best foods can be eaten during recovery time

Research has noted that a diet lacking in important minerals, vitamins, proteins and fatty acids may actually cause the cells in the hair follicles to malfunction. A poor diet can also lead to further hair loss or abnormal hair recycling. It’s also important to maintain a proper diet in order to prevent dehydration, malnutrition, and other chronic conditions such as anemia. All of these can have a negative impact on new hair growth after surgery

Foods that are rich in protein, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin B6 are excellent sources of nutrients for promoting healthy, new hair growth and strong follicles. These include oily fish, sweet potatoes, beans, bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, spinach, nuts, and legumes. Alcohol and carbonated beverages are good things to avoid before and after surgery

Finally, when you decide to do a hair transplant it is important to consult first with a qualified plastic surgeon regarding hair transplant surgery or other procedures

Because you have only one chance to do this process and if the harvesting was much and deep in the donor zone that could harm the other follicles and leave you no chance to fix it up


مركز زين هير أفضل المراكز في تركيا لزراعة الشعر

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