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‏‏لغة وترجمة والذي منه #شؤون_الترجمة #شؤون_لغوية |. ‎‎@ArakLibrary ‎‎@ArakQ

مدة القراءة: دقيقة واحدة

سؤالات اللغة: مهارات القراءة Reading Skills

تصلني بعض الأسئلة حول اللغة ومكوّناتها من متعلّمي اللغة. حفظاً للإجابات وإفادةً للدائرة الواسعة من المتعلّمين، بدأت هذه السلسلة "سؤالات في اللغة" لأضيف إليها كلما استجد سؤال.

سأراعي وضوح الإجابة وتركيزها وإرفاق المصادر معها.

السؤال الأول حول حروف الجرّ Prepositions

السؤال الثاني مهارات القراءة Reading Skills :

Despite the controversy over whether or not ESL beginners should read in English, many studies have shown that reading can have a significant impact on their level of accuracy and proficiency. As long as the learners are able to recognize the essential parts of speech, the basic formats and the simplest constructions of the sentences, they can step up to reading in English. What books do you recommend upper ESL beginners to read?

By Eman Al Otaibi, an English Skills instructor.

Dear Eman, I'm glad that we always have the chance to discuss such issues and exchange ideas and solutions for ESL learners.

Writing, as you know, is a group of productive skills while reading is a group of receptive skills. Both are connected, and the productive skills cannot be achieved unless the receptive skills are gained.  However, such a process should be designed based on the ESL learner's level, attitude and needs. Thus, I'd recommend four series that the ESL learners can choose from to meet what they seek in reading, and all are suitable for upper ESL beginners and can be found in local bookstores.

1) Oxford Bookworms Library: Graded readers for secondary and adult learners.

This series is suitable for those who like stories and literature in general.They will find the following

- A list for the new vocabulary.

- Comprehension exercises.

- An audible version.

- Conversations.

- A descriptive language.

2) Chicken Soup for the Soul

This series is made up real stories written by people. Each book is on one topic and for one group of people. I recommend Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul

3) Tell Me Series: answers to hundreds of questions

This series is for those who seek the basic knowledge in different fields. There are:

- Tell me How?

- Tell me About?

- Tell me Why?

- Tell me When?

- Tell me What?

4) Diary of a Wimpy Kid

This series is written for kids and young teenagers. The young readers can relate to it. It's written in a simple language and in short paragraphs. Each book is on a different book. So, the reader should look at the book before buying it

I hope that my answer is beneficial and meets our students' expectations in developing their reading skills.


‏‏لغة وترجمة والذي منه #شؤون_الترجمة #شؤون_لغوية |. ‎‎@ArakLibrary ‎‎@ArakQ

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